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4   Running the database
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This chapter explains how to run a cego database environment. This includes the setup of a database, the start and stop procedures, data export and import procedure and basic usage of the client programs cgclt, cgblow and cglog.

4.1   cego - Database backend

All database backend functionality is provided by the cego program. Cego provides several minor options to initialize the database, create database users and roles. Furthermode, cego provides two major run modes. The batch mode is used for an initial database load or database testing reasons. To serve client requests in a multithreading environment, cego should be started in daemon mode. All runtime options are described in more detail in the following.

4.1.1   Init mode

As a first step, the database should be initialized. Cego reads and writes all core information from a XML configuration file. This file initially can be created using the init mode. There are some mandatory parameters which should be specified with the command line. At least these are the database name and the configuration file name, the data should be written to.

$ cego --mode=init --mode=init --dbname=cgdb --pgsize=32786 --hostname=localhost --dbport=2200 --admport=2000 --logport=3000 --dbxml=cegodb.xml --qescmode=ON --csmode=ID 

Additionally, the database pagesize could be specified ( default pagesize 32786 ), the hostname the database should be connected to ( default localhost ) and values for db, admin and log ports. The quote escape mode can be set to ON or OFF to enable quote characters in string values ( escaped by '' ). The case sensitive mode is set to ID, so all identifier are handled case sensitive.

As a result, the configuration should look like

<?xml  version="1.0" ?>

4.1.2   User setup mode

User information is stored with encrypted password information in the database XML configuration file. Database users are used to connect to the database db or admin port ( with the cgclt or cgadm program ) and perform database or administration tasks for any tableset. To access the database, first a user has to be created and initialized. To create it, the cego program is called using the adduser mode.

$ cego --mode=adduser --dbxml=cegodb.xml --user=cgadm/cgadm --role=admin

The role identifier describes the permission context of the user. Roles can be defined in a powerful way to control access on table level. For the database administration, the default role admin is used.

4.1.3   Role setup mode

Database roles are used to describe the access to the database. If created, a role can be assigned to any defined user or by creating a new user.

$ cego --mode=addrole --dbxml=cegodb.xml --role=myrole

4.1.4   Role permission setup mode

For a created role, a number of permission entries can be setup. A permission entry describes the following parameters

The tableset parameter identifies the corresponding tableset, the permission should be defined on. The filter is regular expression for the object names, which should be covered. The permission parameter specifies the kind of access, which should be allowed. It is either read, write, modify, exec or all. To identify the permission entry, a permission identifier has to specified To allow read access for all database objects starting with letter a, use the following permission entry

$ cego --mode=addperm --role=myrole --permid=P1 --tableset=TS1 --perm=read --filter="a.*" --dbxml=cegodb.xml

To allow any access to tableset TS1, use the following permission entry

$ cego --mode=addperm --role=myrole --permid=P2 --tableset=TS1 --perm=all --filter=all --dbxml=cegodb.xml

4.1.5   Tableset define mode

New tablesets can be defined using the tableset define mode. Since the command line options are pretty long, it is recommended to create a shell script around the cego definition command.
The script show below illustrates the complete definition of a tableset

$ cat defcgdb
cego --mode=define -tsdef=tsroot=${TSROOT},tsticket=${TSTICKET},syssize=${SYSSIZE},\
appsize=${APPSIZE},sortareasize=${SORTAREASIZE} --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml

After the definition of the tableset has been done, the tableset is just known by the database but still can not be used. It first have to be created using the tableset creation mode.

4.1.6   Tableset creation mode

Any previous defined tableset just can be used, if all required datafiles have been created und initialized. For this, the creation mode can be used.

$ cego --mode=create --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml

Please note : If the specified tableset already exists, any contained data is lost by the creation procedure

4.1.7   Tableset import/export mode

For backup or database copy reasons, any tableset can be exported in a binary or XML formated file. The file can be saved and imported if required.
cego supports the following import and export modes

For machine independent exports, the XML export should be used. The data is stored in a readable form in a XML structure. Any contained blob data are encoded to ASCII. A faster way is provided by binary export and import. The data is stored to an export file without any ascii conversion. For larger tableset exports without any endian dependencies, this is the recommened way. If the tableset does not contain any blob or clob data, the plain export and import mode can be used. The whole table row is writtten in one piece to the export file, which results in a faster export and import procedure. Since lobs are stored in dedicated pages and are just referenced in a table row, plain exports will fail for lob tables.

$ cego --mode=xmlexport --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml --expfile=exp.xml

Tableset TS1 is exported to the export file exp.xml. The data can be imported using the corresponding import mode

$ cego --mode=xmlimport --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml --impfile=imp.xml --doLogging

The dologging option enabled redo logging and might be ommited, if a checkpoint is forced after the import has been completed.

For performance reasons, the binary or plain export can be used. Binary exports and imports are up to 10 times faster than XML exports and are recommended for high volume exports. Plain exports just can be used for tablesets without any lob data ( blob or clob ) but give another speedup since the row structure is kept.

$ cego --mode=binexport --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml --expfile=exp.bin

The binary export can be imported with the following options

$ cego --mode=binimport --tableset=TS1 --dbxml=cegodb.xml --impfile=imp.bin --doLogging

For further speed up, the doLogging option might be ommited. In this case, no online redo logs are written by the database.

4.1.8   Tableset batch mode

For any batch processing reasons, the cego database can be started up in batch mode. The batch command sequence in the given sql file is processed subsequently and the program is terminated after the batch file has processed completely or any error has been occured.
If starting in batch mode, a number of command line arguments can be defined

Option Meaning
--dbxml=<xmlfile> Name fo the database XML configuration file
--batchfile=<batchfile> Name of the SQL batch file to process
--tableset=<tableset> Name of target table set
--user=<user>/<password> Database user and corresponding password which must have appropriate access to the tableset the batch is performed on
--poolsize=<poolsize> Number of database pages, allocated for the database bufferpool. Depending on the amount of available physical memory, this parameter should be set up. Depending on the size of the buffer pool, this may have impact on the batch processing performance. If the value is specified as a plain integer, one memory segment with the corresponding amount of pages is allocated. For larger buffer pool configuration, it might be useful to allocate a couple of memory segments. For this, the form <numseg>x<segsize> is useful. For exampe, to allocate a bufferpool of three segments with each segment of 2000 bufferpages, you have to specify --poolsize=3x2000
--cleanup The cleanup option enables a datafile check to verify data files for allocated but unused pages. This may happen, if the allocatePage method was called, but for any reason ( e.g. a system crash ) the page was never commited via checkpoint. Turning on this option delays the startup of the database but ensures to avoid page leaks in the datafiles.
--cpdump This option ensures a save checkpointing process. Before writing pages to data files, all modified pages are first written to a checkpoint dump file. If completed and committed, the recorded pages are then written to data files. As a consequence, from any system crash which might occur during the critical checkpointing process the database could be recovered to a consistent state. This option normally is used with daemon mode. For testing reasons it also can be used with batch runs.
--ignore Ignore single statement errors. The batch run is continued anyway

The following sample performs a batch job with file batch.sql on tableset TS1 for user lemke.

$ cego --mode=batch --batchfile=batch.sql --dbxml=cegodb.xml --tableset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke

4.1.9   Daemon mode

To serve client database requests, cego must be started in daemon mode. For this, a minimal valid XML database configuration file must be available. This may be

<?xml  version="1.0" ?>
<DATABASE NAME="cegodb" PAGESIZE="16384" ADMINPORT="2000" LOGPORT="3000" DATAPORT="2200" PIDFILE="./pidfile">

Please note, that this minmal configuration file does not contain any tableset or admin user information. To be able to connect to the running damoen later on, you should create an admin user. See section Creating an user how to create an admin user.
If the configuration file is prepared, the daemon can be start up. For this, a number of command line arguments can be defined

Option Meaning
--dbxml=<xmlfile> Name fo the database XML configuration file
--numdbthread=<numDbThread> The amount of server threads available for handling client database requests
--numadminthread=<numAdminThread> The amount of admin threads available for handling admin requests. For Version 1.x, this can be ignored
--numlogthread=<numLogThread> The amount of log threads available for handling log requests For Version 1.x, this can be ignored
--poolsize=<pool size spec> Number of database pages, allocated for the database bufferpool. Depending on the amount of available physical memory, this parameter should be set up. If the value is specified as a plain integer, one memory segment with the corresponding amount of pages is allocated. For larger buffer pool configuration, it might be useful to allocate a couple of memory segments. For this, the form <numseg>x<segsize> is useful. For exampe, to allocate a bufferpool of three segments with each segment of 2000 bufferpages, you have to specify --poolsize=3x2000
--mediator=<mediator> Hostname of the mediator host to connect to. For Version 1.x, this can be ignored
--tableset=<tableset>,<tableset>... List of the tablesets, that should be started up when the daemon is invoked. This is optional and is just useful, if any valid tablesets already exist.
--cleanup The cleanup option enables a datafile check to verify data files for allocated but unused pages. This may happen, if the allocatePage method was called, but for any reason ( e.g. a system crash ) the page was never commited via checkpoint. Turning on this option delays the startup of the database but ensures to avoid page leaks in the datafiles.
--forecload To get all defined view and procedure compiled directly after database startup, the forceload option can be used. Otherwise, views and procedures are compiled on demand. The demand compile strategy is the default and reduces database startup time significantly
--cpdump This option ensures a save checkpointing process. Before writing pages to data files, all modified pages are first written to a checkpoint dump file. If completed and committed, the recorded pages are then written to data files. As a consequence, from any system crash which might occur during the critical checkpointing process the database could be recovered to a consistent state.
--pidfile=<file> Filename of the process id file. This option overwrites the the corresponding PIDFILE entry in the database xml. It may be used for multi instance installations, where all instance specific parameters should be set up on command line level
--protocol={ serial | fastserial | xml } The network protocol type. For performance reasons, you should choose type serial or fastserial. Since the serial protocol still uses a character stream, the fastserial data transfer is based on binary information which gives an additional boost. The xml protocol is a legacy implementation but still can be used for debugging reasons, since it is pretty human readable.

The following sample starts cego in daemon mode. The database buffer pool is allocated with 1000 pages.

$ cego --mode=daemon --dbxml=cegodb.xml --poolsize=1000

If the daemons starts up, a child process is forked to run in background. To terminate the database daemon session, it is recommended to bring cego down softly. This can be achieved by sending a SIGINT signal to the daemon process with he following command

$ kill -s SIGINT <cego pid>

If the PIDFILE attribute is set up in the XML configuration file or via command line, the process id for the cego process can be retrieved from this file Assuming the pidfile was set to the file ./pidfile the database can be stopped with

$ kill -s SIGINT `cat ./pidfile`

To stay the server program in the foreground, the alternative server mode can be used. This might be useful for testing reasons, since the server can be terminated very easy by a Cntrl-C.

$ cego --mode=server --dbxml=cegodb.xml --poolsize=1000
Cego daemon up and running ...

4.1.10   General options

The following general options are available for all modes

Option Meaning
--logfile=<logfile> Filename to write all log messages
--lockfile=<lockfile> Name of the lock file. The lock file avoids to run several cego processes on a single database, since this may result in data corruption. The default location for the lockfile is /tmp/cego.lock. In case of multiple cego instance running on one host, this should be changed using the command line option
--syslog=< yes | no > Enable or disable logging to syslog. At default, syslog is enabled.
--lockstat Statistics for locks are calculated. This switch can be enabled, if lock monitoring is needed. Please note, that enabling lock statistics may result in a reduced overall performance of the database.
--fsync This option enables disk synchronisation for logging and checkpoint operations.It may slow down database performance significantly but ensures data consistency in case of an operating system crash.

4.2   cgclt - Console database client

If the cego server program was successfully started in daemon mode, a client database connection could be established using the client program cgclt. The client program is used to send any kind of SQL queries to the server ( via network ) and to receive the corresponding query results.

The program is invoked with the follwoing options

Option Meaning
--server=<host> Name of the cego database server
--port=<port> Number of the database port
--user=<user/password> User connection string
--protocol={ serial | fastserial | xml } Network protocol type. This must correspond to the network protocol of the daemon
--tableset=<tableset> Name of the tableset
--dumpfile=<outfile> If this option is selected, a tableset dump is written to the specified output file
--structure In combination with the dumpfile option, just a structure dump is written out ( no table content )
--cmd=<sql command> Performs just the given SQL command
--batchfile=<filename> Performs the SQL commands in the given file
--logfile=<logfile> Writes log output to the given logfile
--raw Invokes the client program in raw mode. No format characters are printed. This is useful, if the output should be post processed
--pager If the curses feature is enabled and cgclt ist called with this option, the result output is buffered and can be paged forward and backward
--ignore In batch mode, query errors are ignored and the batch process continues
--profile=<profile id> Take all connection parameters from the given profile entry
--maxline=<integer> Maximum input line len, which can be read by the scanner
--maxresult=<integer> Maximum number of result tuples, which can be retrieved and printed out for one query
--debug Write out debug messages to the logfile
--version Show version
--help Show help

In the following sample, we use the host geek and port number 2200. We connect to the tableset TS1 with user lemke

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke

If the prompt appears, the connection has been established. Now we can input any Cego SQL or database information retrievel command. See section The Cego SQL language for a detailed description of all available SQL commands.

Each command is completed with a semicolon ( ; ). So you are able to put in complex sql commands over several lines. Just if the semicolon is scanned, the command is sent to the cego server for further processing. To finish you client session, put in the quit command followed by a semicolon.

CGCLT > quit;
ok ( 0.000 s )

4.2.1   Batch file processing

Any cego database request can also be processed from a client via batchprocessing. For this, a corresponding batchfile is given as an argument to the client program.

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke --batchfile=mybatch.sql

cgclt detects input from STDIN, so the batch file can also be send to a pipe

$ cat mybatch.sql | cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke

If any error occures during the batch processing, the client program terminates execution and returns an exitcode 1; To ignore any batch processing errors, you can give the ignore option to the command line

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tableset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke --batchfile=mybatch.sql --ignore

4.2.2   SQL dump file creation

Database objects, which have been build can be dumped out to a SQL file. This might be useful for several purposes. For example a database SQL dump can be edited and reloaded to a different database. The cgclt supports the dump mode with the following command

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke --dumpfile=mydump.sql

The --qescmode option must be specified, if single quotes in string values should be escaped following the double quote convention. Otherwise, a backslash is used as an escape character. In addition with the structure option --structure, the tableset is exported without any table content.

4.2.3   Single command processing

Sometimes it might be useful to execute just a single statement. For this, the command processing mode can be used.

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke --cmd="select a from t1;"

The given command must be a complete SQL command including a closing semicolon .

4.2.4   Flow control

For large table data retrievel, the flow control can be enabled. If enabled, the row output is buffered and can be scrolled up and down. To enabled flow control, the command line option --flow has to be set.

$ cgclt --server=localhost --port=2200 --tablset=TS1 --user=lemke/lemke --flow

4.2.5   Query abortion

In case of any select, update or delete operation, it is possible to cancel a ( long ) running query request. For delete operations, some of the tuples might be lost, if there has not been started any embedding transaction. Since update operations are always embedded in a transaction ( user or forced ), a rollback is performed in any case.
Queries are canceled using the Cntrl-C key sequence.

CGCLT > update t1 set a = 10000;
^CAborting query ..
Error : Update aborted by user
Query failed
ok ( 2.705 s )
CGCLT > select count(*) from t1 where a = 10000;
|                AGGR |
|            count(*) |
|                   0 |
ok ( 0.104 s )

4.2.6   Profile

Using profiles enables the user to use a predefined database connection record for building up database connections. The connections are defined in a profile called .cgprofile located int the users home directory. The profile can contains several profile entries of the following form


Here is a sample .cgprofile

TS1:dude.local:2200:fastserial:TS1:TS1 > :lemke:lemke
TS2:cego.local:2200:fastserial:TS2:TS2 > :hugo:hugo

To use any of the profile entries, the cego client program has to be invoked with the profile command line parameter.

$ cgclt --profile=TS1

4.3   cgblow - Load simulation client

With the cgblow program, random insert, delete and update operations can be done on any user tables. I used this program for several kind of stability and performance tests. The program connects to the cego database as a normal cego database client program and performs its operations as given in the argument line.
The supported command line options for the program are described in the following

Option Meaning
--mode=<insert | delete | update | arb1 | arb2 | arb3 | proc> For insert, update, delete, update or procedure simulation use corresponding option value. For arbitrary mode three further options are available. arb1 performs arbitrary insert and delete operations, arb2 performs additionally also update operations and arb3 performs all available operations
--server=<host> Name of the cego database server
--port=<port> Number of the database port
--user=<user/password> User connection string
--tableset=<tableset> Name of the tableset
--table=<table> Name of the table to operate on
--proc=<procedure> Name of the procedure to operate on
--simulate Instead of connecting to a running database, the query commands are printed to stddocout
--iset=<format string> Insert format string of the form <type>,<dim>
--pset=<format string> Procedure parameter format string of the form <type>:<dim>,...
--uset=<format string> Update format string of the form <attr>:<type>:<dim>,...
--dcond=<format string> Delete condition format string of the form <attr>:<type>:<dim>,...
--ucond=<format string> Update condition format string of the form <attr>:<type>:<dim>,...
--interval=<report interval>> After each interval, the required execution time is printed
--count=<count>> Number of operations to perform
--append Set insert at last flag. This appends new tuples to the table, instead of skip through the table and search for a free entry
--dotransaction Run as one transaction. All operations are embedded in a transaction.
--version Show version
--help Show help

If server or port arguments are ommited, the query operations are printed to stddocout.
The insert format string is a comma separated list of insert column specs for int and string values. A column spec is of the form i:<int> for integer values or s:<int> for string values. The integer argument for integer values specified the range of the value while the integer argument for the string value specifies the length of the string.
We give two samples for using insert and delete mode.

$ cgblow --mode=insert --simulate --table=mytab --iset=i:10,s:10 --count=10 --append
set append on;
insert into mytab values (8,'EZQWNFAONB');
insert into mytab values (2,'HJLPKUIJAG');
insert into mytab values (0,'WATDXQRDRJ');
insert into mytab values (7,'NEVKXMOIZB');
insert into mytab values (8,'LYMPURYSYS');
insert into mytab values (9,'VNKWXUEOTU');
insert into mytab values (9,'FKNCNOOWGF');
insert into mytab values (4,'EXWRMMMVPL');
insert into mytab values (5,'FLZUIKCMDY');
insert into mytab values (0,'SPNQZQDQMI');

This inserts tuples to table mytab with an arbitrary integer column value between 0 and 10 and an arbitray string value of 10 byte.

$ cgblow --mode=delete --simulate --table=mytab --dcond=a:i:10 --count=10
delete from mytab where a=3;
delete from mytab where a=9;
delete from mytab where a=6;
delete from mytab where a=2;
delete from mytab where a=0;
delete from mytab where a=2;
delete from mytab where a=1;
delete from mytab where a=3;
delete from mytab where a=2;
delete from mytab where a=6;

With the above invocation, random delete operations for table mytab are generated, where the delete condition matches attribute value a as an integer value between 0 and 10. To show the arbitrary mode, we call cgblow with arb3 mode and all required random parameters.

$ cgblow --mode=arb3 --simulate --table=mytab --iset=i:10,s:2 --dcond=a:i:10 --pset=i:10,s:3 --uset=b:s:3 --ucond=a:i:10  --count=20
set append off;
insert into mytab values (2,'N');
update mytab set b = 'NH' where a = 8;
call (8,'K');
call (9,'UCE');
call (9,'WT');
insert into mytab values (1,'U');
insert into mytab values (5,'MY');
call (2,'WM');
call (1,'G');
insert into mytab values (5,'F');
update mytab set b = 'VS' where a = 6;
insert into mytab values (2,'UW');
delete from mytab where a=0;
update mytab set b = 'T' where a = 1;
delete from mytab where a=9;
update mytab set b = 'L' where a = 2;
delete from mytab where a=4;
insert into mytab values (3,'T');
insert into mytab values (5,'Z');
insert into mytab values (8,'NP');

4.4   cglog - Log reader

With the cglog program, anywritte online and offline redo log file can be read and analyzed. This might be useful for debugging reasons but also to trace the current transaction log for information about the current running transactions.

Option Meaning
[ --log <log> ] The log argument specified the logfile file, which should be read
--version Prints out the current version
--help Prints help for usage

The following sample illustrates the usage of cglog

$ cglog --log=db/TS1redo0.log 
Read len : 25
LSN=1984:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:LogAction=SYNC:
--- No log data ---
Read len : 115
LSN=1985:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=CREATE:
--- Log Data Start ---
ObjectName: t1
ObjectType: table
TableSetId: 2
Table: t1
   AttrName: a
   Type: int
   Len: 4
   AttrName: b
   Type: string
   Len: 30
EntrySize = 63
FileId: 32
PageId: 0
LastFileId: 32
LastPageId: 0
EntrySize = 83
--- Log Data End   ---
Read len : 80
LSN=1986:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=INSERT:
--- Log Data Start ---
--- Log Data End   ---
Read len : 80
LSN=1987:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=INSERT:
--- Log Data Start ---
--- Log Data End   ---
Read len : 80
LSN=1988:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=INSERT:
--- Log Data Start ---
--- Log Data End   ---
Read len : 80
LSN=1989:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=INSERT:
--- Log Data Start ---
--- Log Data End   ---
Read len : 32
LSN=1990:TS=02.05.2009 22:11:35:ObjName=t1:ObjType=1:LogAction=DROP:
--- No log data ---

4.5   Localization

List all supported languages

$ locale -a

Set up the appropriate language

$ export LANG=en_US

Now cego or cgclt use the selected locale

4.6   Logging

The module base logging feature enables the database administrator to define a specific logging filter for individual logging requirements. The logging filter is defined in the database xml definition as module subtags of the database tag.

<DATABASE NAME="chkdb" PAGESIZE="16384" ....>

Four different logging levels are provided for each module

If the module name is ALL, the logging level is set up for all modules. You also may specify dedicated logging levels for the following registered modules

Module Meaning
CegoMain Main module
CegoDbThread Database thread
CegoLogThread Log thread
CegoAction Parser dispatcher
CegoDbHandler Database network handler
CegoSelect Select query module
CegoXPorter Import and export manager
CegoTableManager Database table manager
CegoObjectManager Database object manager
CegoBufferPool Database buferpool manager
CegoLogManager Database log manager
CegoLogHandler Log network handler
CegoAdminThread Admin thread
CegoObjectCursor Low level object cursor
CegoIndexManager Database index manager
CegoImpInStream Import manager
CegoExpOutStream Export manager
CegoFileHandler Database file manager
CegoDatabaseManager Database manager
CegoTransactionManager Transaction manager
CegoMediatorThread Mediator thread
CegoDistManager Database distribution manager
CegoDbThreadPool Database thread pool manager
CegoLogThreadPool Log thread pool manager
CegoAdminThreadPool Admin thread pool manager
CegoBeatThread Beat thread
CegoDistddocbHandler Database distribution manager
CegoDistCursor Database distributed cursor
CegoAdminHandler Admin handler

4.7   Compatibility attributes

To be compliant to other database products, cego provides a set of attributes, which can be set up in the database XML configuration file. The attributes are specified for the whole database in the DATABASE tag.

Attribute Meaning
CSMODE Case sensitive mode. If value is set to any value except STR or NONE, identifiers and string values are compared case sensitive. If set to STR, just string values are handled case sensitive. If set to NONE, all comparisons are made case insensitive. Any SQL keywords are handled case insensitive in any case.
Please note : Since the string comparison differs by changing the case sensitive, this might require a recreation of index and btree objects
QESCMODE Quote escape mode. If the mode is enables ( value set to ON ), the quote character is used as the escape character for string values instead of the backslash character. This is rather oracle style



4.8   Date format handling

Date handling is a tricky thing and is implemented for the common databases in several ways. Cego provides a format specification for printing date values but also for parsing date value strings. At default, the date and datetime formats are %d.%m.%Y and %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S. To change these values, corresponding entries have to be added to the database xml file.

To change the date printing format, the attribute DATETIMEFORMAT has to set up with a valid format string ( analog to the POSIX::strptime format string ).

For date scanning, a list of format can be specified using the XML DATETIMEFORMAT element entries. Setting up the VALUE attribute for each element specifies the format. Please note, that the pattern matching comes with the same order, as the entries occur. The format scanner cuts trailing characters, if a date string fits the given format. In this sense, it is useful to specify more complex formats at the beginning ( e.g. date time formats ), so these format are checked first.


<DATABASE NAME="cegodb"...  DATETIMEFORMAT="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"/>


4.9   Tuning attributes

For performance tuning reasons, several database configuration parameters can be set up.

Attribute Meaning
NUMRECSEMA The number of allocated record semaphores
NUMSYSPAGESEMA The number of allocated system page semaphores
NUMDATAPAGESEMA The number of allocated data page semaphores
NUMIDXPAGESEMA The number of allocated index page semaphores
NUMRBPAGESEMA The number of allocated rollback page semaphores
NUMDATAFILESEMA The number of allocated data file semaphores
NUMBUFFERPOOLSEMA The number of allocated buffer pool semaphores
MAXFIXTRIES Range for the bufferpool hash to fix an appropriate buffer page A higher value increases the filling degree of the bufferpool but decreases the bufferpool access time. A common value is 10 to 100

4.10   Tableset init file

To perform post startup tasks, an init file can be set up for a tableset. The tableset init file is treated as a batch file and must contain standard cego SQL commands.

A good example to use init files are the adjustment of counter objects. Since counters values are NOT recovered for performance reasons, they must be adjusted manually or via the tableset init file.

You have to connect to the admin console to setup the initfile for a tableset.

CGADM > set initfile './counteradjust.sql' for TS1;
Init file set
ok ( 0.000 s )

The init file can contain the following line to reset counter mycount to the maximum value plus one to attribute value a in table t1

set counter mycount to ( select max(a) from t1 ) + 1;