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17   Database Tuning
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A number of parameters affect the performance behaviour and scalability of the cego database system. In the following these parameters are explained in more detail and how to set them up in an appropriate way. Since the change of the parameters is a sophisticated ( and critical ) task, a native database user or admin should not change it.

Some of the parameters have to set up at compile time and so they are constants within the executable cego program. To change the parameter value, you have to do a recompilation of the source code. The second set of paramters can be set up in the database xml configuration file. Both kind of parameters are described now.

17.1   Incompile parameters

All incompile tuning parameters are located in the source code header file CegoDefs.h. To change any of the parameters, you have to edit the header file and make a complete recompilation of the code.

File Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
FILMNG_MAXDATAFILE Maximum number of managed datafiles 100
Table Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
TABMNG_MAXTABSET Maximum number of managed tablesets 30
TABMNG_MAXINDEXVALUE Maximum length of an index value ( in byte ) 1000
TABMNG_MAXJOINLEVEL Maximum number of allowed subselects 10
LOGMNG_RECOVERY_DELAY Waiting delay for next logfile to recover 2
Datatype Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
MAX_INT_LEN Max outut format integer len 10
MAX_FLOAT_LEN Max outut format float len 40
MAX_DOUBLE_LEN Max outut format double len 45
MAX_DECIMAL_LEN Max outut format decimal len 30
MAX_FIXED_LEN Max outut format fixed len30
MAX_SMALLINT_LEN Max outut format smallint len6
MAX_TINYINT_LEN Max outut format tinyint len4
MAX_DATETIME_LEN Max outut format datetime len 30
MAX_BOOL_LEN Max outut format bool len 5
MAX_NULL_LEN Max outut format null value len 4
MAX_OBJNAME_LEN Max object name len 10
MAXSTRINGLEN Max string len 10000
MAX_USERNAMELEN Max username len 15
MAX_PASSWORDLEN Max password len 15
RESERVED_BTREE_FLOATLEN Reserved space in btree entries for type fixed and bigdecimal 30
STATICFIELDBUFStatically reserved buffer for field values 20
Lock Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
LCKMNG_NUM_DATAFILE_SEMA Number of semaphores allocated for file lock operations 10
LCKMNG_NUM_BUFFERPOOL_SEMA Number of semaphores allocated for buffer pool lock operations 30
LCKMNG_NUM_RECORD_SEMA Number of semaphores allocated for record lock operations 10
LCKMNG_NUM_SYSPAGE_SEMA Number of semaphores allocated for system page lock operations 10
LCKMNG_NUM_DATAPAGE_SEMA Number of semaphores allocated for data page lock operations 10
LCKMNG_NUMLOCKS Number of parallel locks per thread 10
FH_LOCKTIMEOUT FileHandler lock timeout ( msec ) 100000
BP_LOCKTIMEOUT BufferPool lock timeout ( msec ) 10000
TS_LOCKTIMEOUT Transaction Manager lock timeout ( msec ) 80000
XS_LOCKTIMEOUT XML Space lock timeout ( msec ) 80000
DBM_LOCKTIMEOUT Database Manager lock timeout ( msec ) 80000
Naming Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
TABMNG_PIDX_SUFFIX Tablename suffix for primary index tables _pidx
SYSSUFFIX Datafile suffix for system datafile .sys
SYSSUFFIX Datafile suffix for temp datafiles .temp
OSPACE Name prefix for ordering tables ospace
Buffer Pool Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
BUPMNG_MAXFIXTRIES Search range to look for an appropriate page slot 25
BUPMNG_MAXPAGEDELETE Maximimum number of pages for release before forcing a checkpoint 500
BUPMNG_MINFREERATIO Space reservation in data pages for free space management ( in percent ) 10
BUPMNG_ALIGNMENT Datapointer alignment ( required form some system architectures) sizeof(int)
Network Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
NETMNG_SELECT_TIMEOUT msg timeout for select system call (in usec) 1500000
NETMNG_RECV_TIMEOUT msg timeout for recv system call (in sec) 180
NETMNG_MSG_BUFLEN msg buffer size for recv ( in byte ) 8192
NETMNG_COLPREFIX prefix sign for unique col identification c
NETMNG_MAXTUPLECOUNT Number of tuples to send within one msg 10
Authorization Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
CEGOSALT Salt key for password authorization "$1$hgz"

17.2   Configuration parameters

The configuration parameters can be set up in the database xml configuration file. They have to be set up database wide as attributes in the DATABASE tag

Lock Management
Parameter Meaning Default Value
NUMDATAFILESEMA Number of datafile semaphores 11
NUMBUFFERPOOLSEMA Number of bufferpool semaphores 31
NUMRECSEMA Number of row record semaphores 31
NUMSYSPAGESEMANumber of system page semaphores 31
NUMDATAPAGESEMANumber of data page semaphores 31
NUMIDXPAGESEMANumber of index page semaphores 17
NUMRBPAGESEMANumber of rollback page semaphores 17
MAXFIXTRIESMaximum number of tries to fix a bufferpool page 25
MAXPAGEDELETEMaximum number of pages to release before forcing a checkpoint 500
MAXSENDLENNetwork message chunk len for a db thread sending result data 8192
SELECTTIMEOUTSocket select timeout value for all thread pools in usec, can be used to decrease idle CPU load 3000000
QUEUEDELAYDelay for each thread if no requests are available in usec, can be used to throttle down number of incoming connections and to decrease idle CPU load 50000
NUMLOCKTRIESMaximum number of tries to achieve any lock 3
RECLOCKTIMEOUTTimeout value to achieve any record lock ( in msec ) 10000
PAGELOCKTIMEOUTTimeout value to achieve any page lock ( in msec ) 10000
FILELOCKTIMEOUTTimeout value to achieve any file lock ( in msec ) 10000
POOLLOCKTIMEOUTTimeout value to achieve any pool lock ( in msec ) 300000


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DATABASE NAME="cegodb" PAGESIZE="4096" ADMINPORT="2000" LOGPORT="3000" DATAPORT="2200"