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2   Customizing and Installation
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Before SysMT can be used as a powerful ITSM suite, it has to be configured and installed. Please note, that we ship the SysMT software with our installation service, so this section is just to give you an overview about the installation process.

2.1   Requirements

Based on Apache WebServer and Perl, SysMT can be installed on any server supporting these basics. In detail, the SysMT application suite the following base components, which have to be installed on the target host system.

All of this components are available as open source and have to be installed and configured to be used in an appropriate way.

2.2   Building the database

Depending on what kind of database you are using, several steps are required to build up the database.

2.3   Cego

Go to the cego subdirectory and check the file mkdb for your appropriate database definitions. The default definitions should work for a standard SysMT setup. Make sure, the cego database program is included in your PATH variable Now create the database

  cego > ./mkdb 
  Creating xml ...
  Creating admin user ...... operation ok
  Defining tableset ...... operation ok
  Creating database user ...... operation ok
  Creating tableset ...... operation ok

If the database has been created, the SysMT database objects can be set up

cego > ./create_objects

At last, you can start up the database using the utility startup script

cego > ./startdb

2.4   MySQL

To set up a MySQL database, please check out the corresonding documentation. We assume, you have an MySQL database instance up and running, which is ready to be connected.
Go to the mysql subdirectory and customize the create_objects for your appropriate connection parameters ( DBUSER, DBPWD and DBNAME ). Then you can build up the sysmt database with

mysql > ./create_objects

2.5   Postgres

To set up a Postgres database, please check out the corresonding documentation. We assume, you have an Postgres database instance up and running, which is ready to be connected.
Go to the postgres subdirectory and customize the create_objects for your appropriate connection parameters ( PSQL, DBUSER, DBNAME and PGPASSWORD ). Then you can build up the sysmt database with

mysql > ./create_objects

2.6   Oracle

To set up a Oracle database, please check out the corresonding documentation. We assume, you have an Oracle database instance up and running, which is ready to be connected.
Go to the oracle subdirectory and customize the create_objects for your appropriate connection parameters ( SQLPLUS, DBUSER and DBPWD, DBNAME ). Then you can build up the sysmt database with

mysql > ./create_objects

2.7   DB2

To set up a DB2 database, please check out the corresonding documentation. We assume, you have an DB2 database instance up and running, which is ready to be connected.
Go to the db2 subdirectory and customize the create_objects for your appropriate connection parameters ( DBUSER, DBPWD and DBNAME ). Then you can build up the sysmt database with

db2 > ./create_objects

2.8   Deploying the application

The SysMT application is deployed via WAR-File. Database and application specific parameters are configured in the web.xml file.

The following init parameters have to be customized for the SysMT Application

Description Init Param Sample Value
User Audit Switch to trace any user queries, set either to yes or no useraudit yes
Database JDBC Driver jdbcdriver de.lemkeit.cegojdbc.CegoDriver
Database URL dburl cegojdbc:bigmac.local:2200:sysmt
Database User dbuser sysmt
Database PWD dbpwd sysmt
Minimum db connection mincon 1
Maximum db connection maxcon 10
Document path docpath /Users/lemke/web/docs
Document URL prefix docprefix http://bigmac.local/sysmtdocs
Custom Reports customreport 01:MyCustomer Maintain Reports,02: MyCustomer System Reports,03:MyCustomer Special
Phantom JS executable phantomjs /Users/lemke/bin/phantomjs
PDF Temp Dir pdftmpdir /tmp
Mail delivery server mailserver mail.lemke-it.com
Mail delivery port mailport 25
Mail delivery auth user mailauthuser postmaster@lemke-it.com
Mail delivery auth password mailauthpwd xkjfd87jhsgg
Mail sender adress mailfrom sysmt@customer
Alert mail receiver adress mailalertto alert@support.org
Alert activation mailalert yes
Service key srvkey 1nvSZdS1C85zaWto2gPMjA==

The following init parameters have to be customized for the SysMT Engine

Description Init Param Sample Value
Customer customer MyCustomer
JDBC Driver jdbcdriver de.lemkeit.cegojdbc.CegoDriver
Database URL dburl cegojdbc:bigmac.local:2200:sysmt
Database User dbuser sysmt
Database PWD dbpwd sysmt
Minimum db connection mincon 1
Maximum db connection maxcon 10
Mail delivery server mailserver mail.lemke-it.com
Mail delivery port mailport 25
Mail delivery auth user mailauthuser postmaster@lemke-it.com
Mail delivery auth password mailauthpwd ZGHiJufRT
Mail sender adress mailfrom lemke@lemke-it.com
Xanbridge WSDL xanwsdl https://support.syslink.ch/demo/ws/xandria_webservice.wsdl
Xanbridge URI xanuri http://www.syslink.ch/2013/xandria/webservice
Xanbridge Local xanlocal XandriaWebServiceService
Xanbridge User xanuser xandria
Xanbridge Password xanpwd xxx

In the following, a sample extract of the web.xml is given

		Vaadin production mode</description>
		<servlet-name>Sysmt Application</servlet-name>
			Vaadin UI class to use</description>

			<description>Application widgetset</description>

			<description>User Audit Switch</description>
			<description>JDBC Driver</description>