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Change Log

In the following, change log entries for the managed software packages are shown

Last 10 30 100 1000 10000 entries

Category Date Version Log
cego 20.01.2025 2.50.0 For predicate export structure, changed from XML representation to native SQL syntax. This requires a dedicated Parser in CegoXPorter, which can handle predicate SQL representation, but saves lots of code, since all subsequent member classes of CegoPredDesc no more need to implement XML representation methods ( constructor, fromElement, toElement )
cego 20.01.2025 2.49.23 Additional check added to CegoObjectManager to avoid duplicate table objects of different type ( e.g. Table t1 and View t1 ). Table objects are either native tables, views or aliases.
cego 20.01.2025 2.49.23 Patch added for view condition evaluation in CegoAttrCond::asConjunctionList, CegoSelect::setViewCond and CegoDistCursor::distSetup. If the view condition contains an aggregation attribute, the view condition cannot be completed. In this case, a dedicated evaluation of the Cursor is required. Sample :

drop if exists table t1;
create table t1 (
    a int,
    b int,
    c int);

insert into t1 values ( 1, 1, 10 );
insert into t1 values ( 1, 2, 20 );
insert into t1 values ( 2, 1, 5 );
insert into t1 values ( 2, 2, 42 );
insert into t1 values ( 2, 3, 42 );
insert into t1 values ( 3, 1, 1 );
insert into t1 values ( 3, 2, 65 );
insert into t1 values ( 3, 2, 12 );

drop if exists view v1;
create view v1 as
    a as a,
    b as b,
    sum ( c) as csum
from t1 group by a, b;

select a, b, csum from v1 where a = 3 and b = 2;

-- csum cannot not be evaluated in the view condition
-- cursor must perform a dedicated evaluation
select a, b, csum from v1 where a = 3 and b = 2 and csum = 77;

cego 20.01.2025 2.49.23 Added syntax expansion for group having clause to support advanced having conditions ( e.g. select a, sum(b), max(c) from t1 group by a having sum(b) > 10 and max(c) = 100; )
cego 12.01.2025 2.49.22 Version released
cego 12.01.2025 2.49.22 For several modules, added exception trace information to improve error logging in case of any exception
cego 11.01.2025 2.49.22 Patch added for CegoQueryCache::addEntry, getNumUsed added to search loop to find appropriate slot. This avoids some needless assignments, since used entries cannot be assigned.
Patch added CegoQueryCache::invalidate. For main loop, a delay has been added, to give other threads the chance to claim the lock
cego 23.12.2024 2.49.21 Version released
cego 23.12.2024 2.49.21 Patch for CegoFunction added. For methods getReturnType, getReturnTypeLen and evelFieldValue the following has been added : If proc object is getting used by useObject, the following getProcedure call must be catched for exception to unuse the object since _pProc is stiil null and the object so is not unused by cleanup
cego 07.12.2024 2.49.20 Version released
lfcbase 07.12.2024 1.18.11 Version released
cego 07.12.2024 2.49.20 Added new lfcbase Net::serve6 method to db, admin and log threadpool. If no hostname is defined in database xml, an IP double stack configuration is set up.
lfcbase 07.12.2024 1.18.11 In new method Net::serve6, added setsockopt to disable IPV6_V6ONLY. This is required for FreeBSD build, since at default FreeBSD binds single stack
lfcbase 07.12.2024 1.18.11 Added Net::serve6 method to handle v46 protocol an any adress.
cego 07.12.2024 2.49.20 Fix added in CegoDBThreadPool. CegoAdminThreadPool and CegoLogThreadPool. If database hostname is not defined, the corresponding service is served on any hostname. This avoids confusion regarding IPv4 and IPv6 host configuration ( e.g. on MacOSX Sequoia, java seems to handle localhost always as IPv4, while on POSIX layer, it is mapped to ::1, a bit strange )
cego 28.11.2024 2.49.19 Version released
lfcbase 28.11.2024 1.18.10 Version released
cego 27.11.2024 2.49.19 Patches and Extensions added to CegoAdmScreen for fully support of query history feature ( last and full over all db threads ). Screen2:Grid schema patches added to satisfy new column alignment feature for Screen2
lfcbase 27.11.2024 1.18.10 Patches added to Screen2::Grid class to support left and right alignment for data cols
cego 27.11.2024 2.49.18 Version released
lfcbase 27.11.2024 1.18.9 Version released
cego 27.11.2024 2.49.18 Added query history suppport for cgadm screen mode
lfcbase 27.11.2024 1.18.9 Small patch added for Screen2::Message class, since width and height may change for messages, window should be allocated new after each setInfo method call
cego 26.11.2024 2.49.18 Introduces new cgadm admin commands
- queryhist last n
- queryhist cost n
to show the query history for all db threads in the db thread pool. The last n queries or the most expensive n queries are indicated
cego 26.11.2024 2.49.18 More work on db thread query history information. Added timestamp and cost information
cego 22.11.2024 2.49.17 Version released
lfcxml 22.11.2024 1.3.8 Version released
lfcxml 22.11.2024 1.3.8 Patches added for pretty printing xml string
cego 21.11.2024 2.49.17 Removed lockPool call in CegoAdminThread::srvExportTableSet and srvExportTable to avoid lock timeouts during long running exports
Made some code cleanup in CegoAdminThread ( exception consolidation )
cegojdbc 17.11.2024 1.11.1 Version released
cegojdbc 17.11.2024 1.11.1 Performance optimization added to CegoConnection.isValid method. Just check, if connection is closed. A validation request ( jdbc prodname ) is avoided, since some connection pools use this method before each request to validate the connection.
cego 13.11.2024 2.49.16 Version released
cego 13.11.2024 2.49.16 Added query history for db threads. Not just the last action is indicated via admin command "threadinfo db threadId", but also the last n queries processed by this thread. History Length can be configured via new cego command line option dbthreadhist
cego 11.11.2024 2.49.15 Version released
cego 11.11.2024 2.49.15 Improved abort handling for cgadm ( session hung, if Ctrl-C pressed while idle )
cego 11.11.2024 2.49.15 Memory leak fixed in CegoFileHandler::releaseFiles ( _fhList[i] was not deleted )
cego 11.11.2024 2.49.15 More memory leaks fixed in CegoAdminThread::job for _pTim instance ( not critical ) and CegoFileHandler::claimPage initBuf, which leaks in case of tableset creation
cego 10.11.2024 2.49.14 Version released
cego 09.11.2024 2.49.14 Another indent bug fixed in CegoQuery::toChain for DELETE_QUERY case *sigh*
cego 09.11.2024 2.49.13 Version released
cego 07.11.2024 2.49.13 Fix in CegoQuery::toChain, added missing space in UPDATE_QUERY case after where keyword
cego 01.11.2024 2.49.12 Version released
cego 30.10.2024 2.49.12 Added querycache threshold parameter. Just queries with execution time greater than threshold value are cached. This leads to a lower stressed cache and avoids cache latency for those queries. Threshold is given in msec, which seems to be appropriate for now.
cego 28.10.2024 2.49.12 In CegoXMLSpace::addTableSeDef, added ARCHMODE attribute to set archmode to OFF as default
cego 27.10.2024 2.49.12 More work done for cgmkdb utility script
Advanced mode added, to set up advanced database parameters by script
cego 23.10.2024 2.49.11 Version released
cego 23.10.2024 2.49.11 Another fix for memory leak added in CegoFieldValue::getLocalCopy, Before allocation, _len has to be checked for _len < STATICFIELDBUF and then use _staticBuf, otherwise, the memory is lost
cego 23.10.2024 2.49.11 Patch added for memory leak in CegoSelect::cleanUp and CegoSelect::reset, for both methods, _pCacheList has to checked and freed, since for uncompleted queries ( e.g. exists clause ) the _pCacheList was still not deleted
cego 20.10.2024 2.49.10 Version released
lfcbase 20.10.2024 1.18.8 Version released
cego 20.10.2024 2.49.10 Adaptions made for CegoAdmScreen to treat lfcbase-1.18.8 API change for Screen2::Attribute
lfcbase 20.10.2024 1.18.18 Change in Screen2::Attribute class. The class now provides three layout modes : HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, OVERLAY. In OVERLAY mode, with left and right cursor key it is switched to visible attribute list. For this, the Screen2::Attribute constructor has been changed
cego 18.10.2024 2.49.10 For CegoAdmScreen, added QueryCacheInfo to tableset menu
lfcbase 18.10.2024 1.18.8 Added patch to Screen2::Attribute::setAttrList for refresh window after attrlist has been updated
cego 18.10.2024 2.49.10 * Changed cgmkdb utility to interactive style. All required parameters are now asked via interactive shell input
* Patches added to CegoAdmScreen to handle sortAreaSize values ( changed from type int to unsigned long long ). Furthmore, tablecache configuration menu has been added to tableset management panel
lfcbase 18.10.2024 1.18.8 Added small patch to Screen2::Form::handleKey to treat pipe character ( | )
cego 14.10.2024 2.49.9 Version released
lfcbase 14.10.2024 1.18.7 Version released
cego 14.10.2024 2.49.9 Rework of table cache logic, which is still experimental. A table filter now can be defined to just cache a specified subset of tables. Since table cache is just useful for specific tables with read only flavor and medium size, this extension seems to makes sense. Cached table rows can be accessed directly without accessing buffer pool pages and without decoding. This might accelerate some database configurations, where query cache is not appropriate and hot spot readonly tables have to access very often and very fast.
cego 14.10.2024 2.49.9 Added patch for memory leak in CegoSelect. Within CegoSelect::consolidateConjunctionList method, predicate and condition instances are created for conjunction organisation. These instances have to be registered and freed later within CegoSelect::cleanUp
lfcbase 14.10.2024 1.18.7 Added patch in Matcher.cc to support extended regular expression (added REG_EXTENDED flag to regcomp call )
cego 11.09.2024 2.49.9 Added dedicated admin command to show query cache information including hit rate ( show querycache for tableset ) This will replace the querycache information shown with general show tableset admin command
cego 23.08.2024 2.49.8 Version released
cego 23.08.2024 2.49.8 Added patches for querycache. The CegoQueryCache::addEntry method now is limited to QUERYCACHE_MAXTRY tries to add an entry. Otherwise numFail counter is increaed, which is monitored for the query cache. This should resolve deadlocks in smoother way ( no more lock timeouts ) in case of other db thread have the requested querycache slot in use.
For performance reasons, CegoQueryCacheEntry::calcSize was introduced to just calculate the entry size in the constructor.
cego 22.08.2024 2.49.8 Added lockId for lock objects in CegoBufferPool and CegoQueryCache
cego 12.08.2024 2.49.7 Version released
cego 12.08.2024 2.49.7 Fix added for CegoXPorter / CegoAdminThread / CegoBufferPool to treat locking issue during tableset / table import. Since the pool is locked during import ( by new introduced method lockPool ), no further locking calls must occur durung import. For this, log writing is disabled before lockPool is called and CegoBufferPool::logIt checks for active log ( via new isActive method ) before trying to get a lock.
cego 11.07.2024 2.49.6 Version released
cego 11.07.2024 2.49.6 Version released
cego 11.07.2024 2.49.6 Indent format improvements made for select, insert and update queries. This is relevant for formatted sql code in stored procedures.
cego 02.07.2024 2.49.5 Version released
cego 02.07.2024 2.49.5 Since synchronization of tableset admin operations still not has been covered, this was added with this patch. In CegoBufferPool, new methods are provided for tableset oriented locking ( lockPool and unlockPool ) These methods are used by CegoAdminThread to synchronize concurrent tableset admin operations ( like stop tableset, drop tableset, export tableset, e.g. )
cegopython 29.06.2024 1.0.1 Version released
cegopython 29.06.2024 1.0.1 Changed in curser.py from collections to collections.abc since collections.Sequence seems to be no more supported.
cego 29.06.2024 2.49.4 Version released
cego 29.06.2024 2.49.4 More stabilization added to c wrapper library. Rellocation of cpluscheck and c wrapper check to root directory. CegoCPlusCheck and cgwtest are now build during make all
cegopython 28.06.2024 1.0.0 Version released
cego 27.06.2024 2.49.3 Version released
cego 26.06.2024 2.49.3 Added fix in CegoFieldValue for construction of double values ( added missing normFloatValue method call )
cegopython 20.06.2024 1.0.0 Initial implementation started. The cego python driver requires at least cego version 2.49.3, since this version contains several enhancements for the C wrapper API
cego 20.06.2024 2.49.3 Added several patches and extendsion for C wrapper API
cego 13.06.2024 2.49.2 Version released
cego 13.06.2024 2.49.2 Added patches in CegoQueryCache to improve locking. For the addEntry method, the complete locking logic was redesigned to avoid deadlocks
cego 04.06.2024 2.49.1 Version released
cego 04.06.2024 2.49.1 Added missing thread lock information for admin thread list and thread stat command ( query + table locks, logmanager locks )
cego 03.06.2024 2.49.1 Added patch for CegoQueryCache to make cacheLock dedicated for each tableset.
lfcxml 02.06.2024 1.3.7 Version released
lfcxml 02.06.2024 1.3.7 Patch added in XMLSuite.cc to treat CDATA lookahead correctly. Trailing square brackets ( ] ) at the end of cdata might cause parsing problems
cegojdbc 15.05.2024 1.11.0 Version released
cegobridge 15.05.2024 1.7.0 Version released
cego 15.05.2024 2.49.0 Version released
cego 08.05.2024 2.49.0 Consolidation done for data types decimal and fixed. This version just supports decimal datatype which originally was fixed datatype. The original decimal datatype seemed to be useless.
This patch has impact for several other packages but also import / export procedure.
To migrate to version 2.49, you have to xml export data and make a renaming of the datatype strings "fixed" and "FIXED" to "decimal" and "DECIMAL"
cego 19.04.2024 2.48.49 In CegoCaseCond, added getPlanList method to retrieve execution plan for nested selects. The planlist then is catched in CegoFactor::getPlanList
cego 01.04.2024 2.48.48 Version released
cego 30.03.2024 2.48.48 Fix in CegoAdmScreen::TableSet::TableSet constructor, SysUsage field added to indicate correct usage for system, temp and app files
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Version released
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Sample code for transaction effect : ---
drop if exists table t1;
create table t1 (a  int, b string(10));

start transaction;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
-- here a double delete may occur
delete from t1;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
select * from t1;
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Patch added for transaction handling in CegoTransactionManager::doCommit and CegoTableManager::deleteDataTableEntry. Just for tuple state COMMITTED, a rollback entry must be created, otherwise double tuple delete may occur. For tuple state INSERTED, tuple state is just set to OBSOLETE, for tuple state OBSOLETE and DELETED, nothing has to be done. In CegoTableManager::doCommit, tuple state just has to be set to COMMITTED in case of INSERTED tuples
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Version released
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Elimination of a cout in CegoQueryCache::QueryCacheEntry::cleanCache