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Im folgenden sind die letzten Änderungen der verschiedenen Softwarepakete aufgeführt.

Letze 10 30 100 1000 10000 Einträge

Kategorie Datum Version Eintrag
cegojdbc 15.05.2024 1.11.0 Version released
cegobridge 15.05.2024 1.7.0 Version released
cego 15.05.2024 2.49.0 Version released
cego 08.05.2024 2.49.0 Consolidation done for data types decimal and fixed. This version just supports decimal datatype which originally was fixed datatype. The original decimal datatype seemed to be useless.
This patch has impact for several other packages but also import / export procedure.
To migrate to version 2.49, you have to xml export data and make a renaming of the datatype strings "fixed" and "FIXED" to "decimal" and "DECIMAL"
cego 19.04.2024 2.48.49 In CegoCaseCond, added getPlanList method to retrieve execution plan for nested selects. The planlist then is catched in CegoFactor::getPlanList
cego 01.04.2024 2.48.48 Version released
cego 30.03.2024 2.48.48 Fix in CegoAdmScreen::TableSet::TableSet constructor, SysUsage field added to indicate correct usage for system, temp and app files
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Version released
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Sample code for transaction effect : ---
drop if exists table t1;
create table t1 (a  int, b string(10));

start transaction;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
-- here a double delete may occur
delete from t1;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
select * from t1;
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Patch added for transaction handling in CegoTransactionManager::doCommit and CegoTableManager::deleteDataTableEntry. Just for tuple state COMMITTED, a rollback entry must be created, otherwise double tuple delete may occur. For tuple state INSERTED, tuple state is just set to OBSOLETE, for tuple state OBSOLETE and DELETED, nothing has to be done. In CegoTableManager::doCommit, tuple state just has to be set to COMMITTED in case of INSERTED tuples
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Version released
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Elimination of a cout in CegoQueryCache::QueryCacheEntry::cleanCache
cegojdbc 17.03.2024 1.10.6 Version released
cegojdbc 17.03.2024 1.10.6 Elimination of several warnings in code caused by legacy constructs
cego 17.03.2024 2.48.45 Version released
cego 17.03.2024 2.48.45 Added patches for return on update handling to treat value handling in return list. The order in the return list must be stricter, otherwise field evaluation via FLA caching in CegoFactor fails.
Furthermore, returnList has been localized ( new method CegoQueryHelper::localizeFL ) to ensure correct values after update cursor ist closed.
cego 15.03.2024 2.48.44 Version released
cego 15.03.2024 2.48.44 Patch added in CegoXPorter to improve exception handling for invalid export file names
cego 06.03.2024 2.48.43 Version released
cego 06.03.2024 2.48.43 Added patch in CegoSelect::evalSchema to treat null values for union all, added patch in CegoFunction::clone to treat counterId value