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Im folgenden sind die letzten Änderungen der verschiedenen Softwarepakete aufgeführt.

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Kategorie Datum Version Eintrag
cego 19.04.2024 2.48.49 In CegoCaseCond, added getPlanList method to retrieve execution plan for nested selects. The planlist then is catched in CegoFactor::getPlanList
cego 01.04.2024 2.48.48 Version released
cego 30.03.2024 2.48.48 Fix in CegoAdmScreen::TableSet::TableSet constructor, SysUsage field added to indicate correct usage for system, temp and app files
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Version released
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Sample code for transaction effect : ---
drop if exists table t1;
create table t1 (a  int, b string(10));

start transaction;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
-- here a double delete may occur
delete from t1;
insert into t1 values ( 1, 'XXX'); 
select * from t1;
cego 29.03.2024 2.48.47 Patch added for transaction handling in CegoTransactionManager::doCommit and CegoTableManager::deleteDataTableEntry. Just for tuple state COMMITTED, a rollback entry must be created, otherwise double tuple delete may occur. For tuple state INSERTED, tuple state is just set to OBSOLETE, for tuple state OBSOLETE and DELETED, nothing has to be done. In CegoTableManager::doCommit, tuple state just has to be set to COMMITTED in case of INSERTED tuples
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Version released
cego 26.03.2024 2.48.46 Elimination of a cout in CegoQueryCache::QueryCacheEntry::cleanCache
cegojdbc 17.03.2024 1.10.6 Version released
cegojdbc 17.03.2024 1.10.6 Elimination of several warnings in code caused by legacy constructs
cego 17.03.2024 2.48.45 Version released
cego 17.03.2024 2.48.45 Added patches for return on update handling to treat value handling in return list. The order in the return list must be stricter, otherwise field evaluation via FLA caching in CegoFactor fails.
Furthermore, returnList has been localized ( new method CegoQueryHelper::localizeFL ) to ensure correct values after update cursor ist closed.
cego 15.03.2024 2.48.44 Version released
cego 15.03.2024 2.48.44 Patch added in CegoXPorter to improve exception handling for invalid export file names
cego 06.03.2024 2.48.43 Version released
cego 06.03.2024 2.48.43 Added patch in CegoSelect::evalSchema to treat null values for union all, added patch in CegoFunction::clone to treat counterId value
cegojdbc 28.02.2024 1.10.5 Version released
cegojdbc 28.02.2024 1.10.5 Added patch for CegoStatement.executeQuery, result set handling was not done correctly, if result sets are retrieve via getResultSet statement method
cego 13.02.2024 2.48.42 Version released
cego 13.02.2024 2.48.42 In CegoDistCursor::nextTuple, added query aborted check. This is needed to abort long running inner and outer join selects
cego 10.02.2024 2.48.41 Version released
cego 10.02.2024 2.48.41 Patch added in CegoProcedure::cleanup to set pMasterBlock to zero. In some cases, the setup master block lead to usage leaks for user function calls. See check110.sql as a sample to cause this problem.
cego 03.02.2024 2.48.40 Version released
cego 03.02.2024 2.48.40 Small patch on CegoDistManager::startTableSet, improvement for exception message added
cego 27.01.2024 2.48.39 Version released
cego 27.01.2024 2.48.39 Patch added in CegoAdminThread::srvParameterInfo to list current QUEUEDELAY value and configured scandal formats ( SCANDATETIMEFORMAT )
cego 08.01.2024 2.48.38 Version released
cego 08.01.2024 2.48.38 Patch added in CegoQueryHelper::evalBetween The comparison ( f2 <= f1 && f1 <= f3 ) has changed to ( f1 >= f2 && f1 <= f3 ) This forces a type cast to f1 datatype in case mismatched datatypes. This might be useful for queries like select a from v1 where a between '30.11.2023' and '31.12.2023'; where a cast should be done to date time value ( instead of string )
cego 19.12.2023 2.48.37 Version released
cego 19.12.2023 2.48.37 Patch added in CegoQueryHelper::encodeFL and CegoQueryHelper::decodeFL. Die dim field value was still not treated. This might lead to wrong fixed values for update operations during crash recovery operation
cegobridge 13.12.2023 1.6.5 Version released
cegobridge 13.12.2023 1.6.5 Fix for renamed scandate function added
cego 13.12.2023 2.48.36 Version released
cego 13.12.2023 2.48.36 Fix in CegoXPorter for view import. For view creation, field entries in schema must be setup with a unique id ( analog to view creation via sql command )
cego 08.12.2023 2.48.35 Version released
cegojdbc 08.12.2023 1.10.4 Version released
cegojdbc 08.12.2023 1.10.4 Adaptions made for cego-2.48.35
cego 08.12.2023 2.48.35 Renaming date function dateformat to scandate since this is rather a scanning function. Please note, that cegojdbc uses this function in CegoPreparedStatement class. The renaming is adapted in ceegojdbc-1.10.4
cego 16.11.2023 2.48.34 Version released ( Please note : View reload required ! )
cego 16.11.2023 2.48.34 In CegoDistCursor::getTuple, the tuple retrievel has been changed for view objects. Instead of overwriting the given pFLA, tuple are first retrieved in an empty fvl. Then just the required attribute values in the pFLA are updated. This should result in a better performance but also in a consistent fla structure for FLA caching ( in CegoFactor, _flaCached variable must not be reset if FLA has been setup ) This patch required reload of all view objects ( since attr for view schema must be unique, see evalSchema patch before ) and is still under observation.
cego 16.11.2023 2.48.33 Version released
cego 16.11.2023 2.48.33 Add patch in CegoFactor::setFieldListArray, _flaCached again is set to false since the field list in the the array may change ( e.g. for outer join queries used in views )
cego 14.11.2023 2.48.32 Version released
cego 14.11.2023 2.48.32 Patch added to support nested case conditions like
case when t2.a = 1 
   case when  t2.b = t1.b
end as status
For this, in CegoAction, pCaseCond handle has been stacked
cego 13.11.2023 2.48.31 Version released
cego 13.11.2023 2.48.31 Added patch in CegoSelect::evalSchema. At the end of the method, schema ids are calculated to provide unique attribute ids for views
lfcbase 12.11.2023 1.18.6 Version released
lfcbase 12.11.2023 1.18.6 Patch added in Sleeper class to support larger values for milliSleep and microSleep. For this, also input parameter type has changed from int to unsigned long
cego 31.10.2023 2.48.30 Version released
cego 31.10.2023 2.48.30 Patch added for CegoCaseCond::evalField to eval appropriate datatype. If the case condition contains null type this was not done correctly
cego 08.08.2023 2.48.29 Version released
cego 08.08.2023 2.48.29 Fix added in CegoAggregation::decode, c flag was not decoded correctly ( wrong order in memcpy function )
cegodbd 30.07.2023 1.5.3 Version released
cegodbd 30.07.2023 1.5.3 Small patch in dbdimp.h ( elimination register variable ) to compile with FreeBSD 14
cego 29.07.2023 2.48.28 Version released
cego 29.07.2023 2.48.28 Fix added in CegoProcQueryStmt::execute, after execution of the query, the cleanUp method must be called to avoid leaks regarding stored proc object use ( this corresponds to the new optimized stored proc handling )
cego 27.06.2023 2.48.27 Version released
cego 27.06.2023 2.48.27 In CegoFunction constructors, added _pProc = 0 initialization for decoding and fromElement constructors. This avoid a set fault, in case of database recovery, when a predicate expression with user function is dedoded from log file
cego 14.06.2023 2.48.26 Version released
cego 14.06.2023 2.48.26 Patch addd for tableset stop procedure. With the new optimized stored procedure handling ( CegoFunction module ), the object cleanup must be done BEFORE the tableset is finally stopped. Otherwise an uncaught exception occurs ( tableset not online ) which results in database crash after tableset shutdown. Several modules have been modified for this
cego 12.05.2023 2.48.25 Version released
cego 12.05.2023 2.48.25 Patch added in CegoFunction to avoid useObject leaks
cego 11.05.2023 2.48.24 Version released
cego 11.05.2023 2.48.24 Performance improvement added for stored procedures. In CegoFunction, the procedure handle now is stored after first stored procedure call ( instead of freeing the handle and request it again with the next call ) So for subsequent function calls, the handle is already available, which improves stored procedure execution time significantly.
As a consequene, code has been added for cleanUp the handle at the end of the query ( object is also in use during the whole query with CegoDatabaseManager::useObject and must be unused by cleanup )
cego 28.04.2023 2.48.23 Version released
cego 28.04.2023 2.48.23 Patch added in CegoTableManager::updateTuple, reactivated evalExtTableReferences method call, since this is needed for update with nested selects, where external attributes are referenced in combination with enabled query cache ( e.g. update t1 set a = ( select a from t2 where t1.b = t2.b ) )
cegojdbc 13.04.2023 1.10.3 Version released
cegojdbc 13.04.2023 1.10.3 Patches in CegoPreparedStatement to replace date function with dateformat function
cego 05.04.2023 2.48.22 Version released
lfcbase 05.04.2023 1.18.5 Version released
cego 05.04.2023 2.48.22 Changes in CegoAdmScreen::DBThread panel to show long queries with new Screen2::Message panel
lfcbase 05.04.2023 1.18.5 Improvements for Screen2:Message panel
lfcbase 30.03.2023 1.18.4 Version released
lfcbase 29.03.2023 1.18.4 Added scrollable feature to Screen2::Message, so longer messages can be handeled now be the panel
cego 21.03.2023 2.48.21 Version released
cego 21.03.2023 2.48.21 Fix added for CegoAdmScreen in tableset parameter panel. Initfile was not setup correctly ( null value indicated, should be empty string )
cego 15.03.2023 2.48.20 Version released
cego 15.03.2023 2.48.20 Added default append mode setting for tableset.
WIth cgadm the appendmode can be setup ( e.g. enable appendmode for TS1 )
It may be useful to have enabled appendmode at default for insert intensive tableset configurations
lfcxml 09.03.2023 1.3.6 Version released
lfcxml 09.03.2023 1.3.6 Since there occur some build problems on FreeBSD, a rebuild of configure and Makefile.am with ( a newer version of ) autoreconf on Ubuntu Linux system was done
cego 06.03.2023 2.48.19 Version released
lfcbase 06.03.2023 1.18.3 Version released
cego 06.03.2023 2.48.19 Added parameter menu item to CegoAdmScreen tableset action menu to customize tableset sortareasize, autocorrect, checkpoint interval and init file
cego 05.03.2023 2.48.19 Added Edit menu to CegoAdmScreen to modify tableset entries in status DEFINED
lfcbase 04.03.2023 1.18.3 Code cleanup, made Screen2:Panel:~Panel virtual to avoid compiler warnings
cego 04.03.2023 2.48.19 Code cleanup, elimination of same warnings regarding unreachable case statements ( no issues, just to satisfy compiler )
cego 03.03.2023 2.48.18 Version released
cego 03.03.2023 2.48.18 Some adaptions for extended Screen2 interface with refresh customizing.
lfcbase 03.03.2023 1.18.2 Version released
lfcbase 03.03.2023 1.18.2 Opimization in Screen2 to customize screen refreshes ( introduced virtual method Panel::doRefresh )
cego 03.03.2023 2.48.17 Version released
cego 03.03.2023 2.48.17 Fixes added for CegoAdmScreen, to avoid too many admin requests, backup panel and data file panel are just refreshed initially and after add objects.
Fix added in CegoObjectManager::alterObject, the getNewFilePage has been changed to type CegoObject::SYSTEM. Otherwise, a page from a tuple datafile is allocated, which results in strange effects
lfcbase 27.02.2023 1.18.1 Version released
lfcbase 27.02.2023 1.18.1 Patches added for clean MinGW compile. It seems, the MinGW people took some changes in the system libraries API ( e.g. mkdir, sigaction and ioctl ) No effect for Unix compiles
cego 15.02.2023 2.48.16 Version released
cego 15.02.2023 2.48.16 Fix added for CegoAdmScreen, the data file root path still was not added to new datafiles in the tableset add datafile mask
cegobridge 26.01.2023 1.6.4 Version released
cego 26.01.2023 2.48.15 Version released
cegobridge 26.01.2023 1.6.4 Fixes for new dateformat function ( cego-2.48.13 and up ) and more sophisticated database procedure use ( select in procedure )
cego 26.01.2023 2.48.15 Fixes added in CegoAction and CegoSelect to treat cego parser with tablemanager pointer = 0. This is needed for cegobridge to parse procedures and generated other db specific code